Friday, September 10, 2010

Reflections on Project Camelot Interview

It's 7:30 pm and already dark outside as I sit at my favorite coffee shop drinking a cup of joe and reflecting on today's interview.  I have to say that I woke this morning with a case of the jitters...I get them before every event that I know the Nibiruans are observing.  I can almost feel them peering through the dimensions to observe me....hmmmm...

The interview started a bit late and that was good because I was rushing to complete the final touches on the webpage for the new Emotional Clearing Workshop by Skype and wanted to get that off my list before we began.  Kerry was pleasant and I have to say a good host and interviewer.  One thing that  perplexes me is a show host who asks me a question and then continues talking sometimes answering it him/herself.  I just sit there and chuckle to myself.  Of course this information tends to make even the most experienced host carry on a least I've found that to be the case after a decade of interviews.

We covered a lot of ground starting with the I got started in this work and then moving on to the controversial topic of the Nibiruans themselves.  Yep, when she began talking about the Nibs I could feel them moving in to hear every word!  Needless to say I chose my words carefully.

Thanks to Kerry's interviewing skills...I was really quite impressed....I was able to explain how the Nibiruans' family name was hijacked by Marduk when he defected from the family to work with the group behind the Global Elite.  I knew the Nibiruans want that information to get out and yet they realize that only those who really want to step out of victimhood will do the research to find out what occurred way back when they were on earth.  Sometimes I feel it is a hopeless endeavor but I persevere anyway.

The interview went along great until we began talking about Marduk...suddenly we began having communication problems.  I could not hear Kerry and thought she nor the audience could hear me.  The problem cleared up when we moved on to another topic but not completely.  It again kicked into high gear when we returned to the topic of that infamous Nibiruan.  Interesting......

The main points the Nibs wanted made were that it is all fine and good to talk about who is doing what, bringing the hidden agendas to light but in the end they are just repeats of ancient conflicts. What matters now is not to play them out to the same conclusion and cost ourselves another planet.   They wanted teh listeners to know that we need to focus on teh solution more than anything else.  I was able to speak of how that would look (a more organized and concerted effort to create conferences and teleconferences where teh whistleblowers speak first and then when the people are reeling from that info, the "integrators" follow up with what to do with all that anger and hoplessness.  I explained that we had gotten to 5D on the previous worlds but never beyond it because when the truth came out the people freaked. Without any tools to integrate the anger, rage, helplessness and hopelness they acted as they had done before, they pulled out their guns and began firing away.  The planets were destroyed through scalar warfare.

I was able to explain that compassion was the answer and not only that, the way to move beyond the wars and destruction that will occur on the 3D earth.  Like the initiates in ancient Egypt learned when they had to jump into the crocodile pit at Kom Ombo; the way is not to try to kill all the gaters, or swim towards the door they could see with their physical eyes, it was to go inward and swim towards the door they could only see with their 3rd eye.  We cannot kill all the Global Elite or put an end to their plans, after all it is their role to play in this ascenion process.  The answer it to go within, clear our baggage, end our own inner wars, and tune our frequency up and out of here.  We have the perfect opportunity to do it coming in just over 2 years.

I hope the Nibiruans were satisfied with the interview....time will tell, eh?
interview link: