Thanks to all of you for your kind wishes as I prepared for my first mini vacation in several years. Hiking in Montana was a blast! Getting away for a few days was more critical than I realized as it allowed me to regain the higher perspective that just seems to lost in the day to day shuffle of life.
Returning, I noticed in inbox held more than the usual amount of emails from concerned individuals regarding the current state of events here in the US and abroad. Each included links to sites sharing news of the many coverups and covert plans to further disenfranchise American citizens in more ways than one. From the swine flu vaccine to the near 350,000 foreign troops being trained to take over in the US in the event of a disaster and mass panic, it seems the Global Elite is moving forward with their plans to establish their New World Order (NWO). I’ve included links to a couple of sites, one of which I just discovered thanks to my friend Gonzo.
As I sat reading through them, I noticed a growing ball of fear in the pit of my stomach not to mention, frustration and anger. I wanted to lash out at someone in their ranks. All of a sudden, I caught myself. What was I doing? I knew better than to respond like that. That’s when I realized that if I am doing it, thousands upon thousands of lightworkers, starseeds and walk-ins are too, so I needed to address these feelings.
As I write this, I realize that the higher perspective on how to respond to the Global Elite’s actions may be somewhat strange to those of you who are new to my list since it goes against what we have been programmed to do. All I can say is what a very dear friend once told me, “The definition of insanity is doing something over and over that you know doesn’t work, yet expecting a different result.” Feel free to pass it on....
Be well and have a great week!
Jelaila Starr
Click here for video
Steve Quayle’s site:
Check out the dead scientist button on Steve's website. It looks like they are implementing their plan to take out human race via biological weapons. This is just the one link to their agenda to take out 93% of the planet's population. " Carbonbased DNA". Below is the website for Steve Quayle's Monday thru Friday articles:
Project Camelot:
Has many interviews with noted professionals and researchers.
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