Thursday, January 21, 2010

Early Spring?

Woke up this morning to find that the last of the snow is nearly gone.  Temps are in the 40s and the sun is finally peeking out from behind the clouds.  Also notice that the daffodils are popping out.  Does this mean an early spring?  If time has sped up perhaps spring has done so too.  What's your thoughts on it?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Arctic Blast!

Snow in January is nothing new here in Kansas City, but having it linger for over 2 weeks is.  And the below freezing temperatures that have accompanied it are a real surprise.  I've been researching why this "Arctic Freeze" why it occurred and why it just doesn't seem to end. 

First, the freeze has come in what can only be called blasts.  It is as though the arctic circle is belching blasts of cold air.  My theory is that it is connected to the Norway Spiral that occurred in December.  The official explanataion was a missle that failed.  I have to concur with David Wilcock that it was a test from a Norwegian HAARP facility called EISCAT.  See:

This test, by the Russians and Chinese, who along with toher countries, fund this facility created a disturbance much like a hole in the atmosphere over the artic circle.  Now, I'm not a scientist so I cannot give you the scientific explanation.....only what I am getting from the Nibiruans.  They explained it as a hole or opening that caused/allowed the frigid air to literally belch out of that area in blasts.  These blasts are creating havoc all over the northern hemisphere.  14 states in the US are experiencing record low temps. 

Another tale tale sign is the spiral form the cold air creates.  When you see it on the weather map it looks like a spiral that comes down from the artic and wraps around the midwest as far south as Texas.  Then it curves up around Misourri and Iowa where it curls in again.

As the fronts move eastward, they pick up moisture which is causing the record snowfalls in the East.  We feel lucky here in the Midwest to only have gotten about 12".  Those in the East are getting 3' or more.

David Wilcock theorizes that the reason for all this is that the Russians and Chinese are pushing for disclosure of the ET connection.  That may be but does it have to involve the weather?  Geez!  What's your theory?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Preparing to Forget

Went out to shovel the 2+ feet of snow and ice from the sides of my driveway this morning.  The snow hasn't melted and just continues to pile up and we are are about to get hit again with another 3 - 4" --we hope that's all!.  Patty, my friend who is staying here for awhile was out there shoveling with me.  At one point she went to shovel a different area.  "Patty!" I called out to her as she shoveled a foot of snow from around the garage door.  "Would you help me finish this part?"  I was at the bottom of the driveway working on the sides where the snow had piled up blocking the area where I usually drive when backing out.  I had already hit that pile the day before when backing down.  Fortunately it wasn't solid so it didn't do any damage to my bumper.  "Why do you need to clear more of that away?" She asked somewhat perplexed since there was plenty of room to get out of the driveway.  "Patty, I've hit every corner of my car getting out of my garage and driveway and each time it's cost me $500 bucks!  This pile is going to freeze solid like an iceberg and I know myself; I won't remember to steer towards the middle of the drive and I'll hit it.  So, I have to plan to forget. 

Patty busted out laughing which made me laugh too.  "Can you just see it now, I went on....Bob at Santa Fe Auto is gonna say, "So what did you hit this time?"  An iceberg!  I'll say.  I"m sure he'll get a kick out of that as he hands me a bill for another $500.

Monday, January 4, 2010

First Monday of the Year and Decade

Don't know about you but Mondays have typically been a downer for many people...I must admit to feeling that way myself from time to time, but today is different.  Today, I feel so positive about well..everything.  As this Monday of the year and decade commences I feel as though anything is possible and the future is bright.  I think of all that I have been blessed with...a great way to get positive if not already.  I have health, a warm home, the love of a good man, a wonderful family, loyal friends, sweet 4-legged friends--they are my joy sponsors--and work that makes my heart sing.  Plus, the sun is shining making everthing appear to sparkle as it reflects off the 8+ inches of snow.  Who cares if it's only 3 degrees outside? How can I not feel excited? 

I think not only does your thoughts and actions on teh first day of the year set the tone for the rest of the year, what you do and feel on the first work day of the year does the same.  What do you think?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Avatar, the movie

Went to see the movie, Avatar over Christmas. I loved it!  The indigenous race, the Nawbi's (spelling?) were so beautful.  Sitting there, I couldn't help feeling that the way they were portrayed, so tall with those huge green eyes, was very close to the way the Felines, on the original human homeworld in the Vega system, must have looked.  Each time I timeline traveled backthere, I saw a very tall species with soft skin similar to fur but it wasn't fur, huge eyes and a long exquisite tail.  I so admired their tails and I just know I once had one. 

The original Felines were also very gentle but could become quite ferocious if need--wouldn't want to cross them!  Anyway, seeing the Nawbi's portrayed as they were, warmed my heart and stirred what felt like ancient memories. 

I can't help but wonder if some of the movies coming out now are doing so because they are meant to trigger ancient memories of events long past but are being repeated now.  If so, then perhaps this movie bears the message and means for how we can end the conflicts on our current world.  In the end, there was integration, with the lead character relinquishing his body and fully inhabiting his avatar body.  The repressors were not totally destroyed but simply sent to another world, the world from which they came.  And unlike the ancient homeworld, Pandora, the name of the planet in the movie, was not destroyed in the conflict...a big plus. 

What also intrigued me was how the Nawbi could sync with Pandora herself.  Simply by inserting and intertwining nerve endings in their tails into tiny openings or portals in the ground they were able to connect with her spirit and energy and use it to heal or communicate.  That Pandora, the planet was alive and was the mother that sustained them all was to me, one of the most profound messages in the movie.  Furthermore, how the Nawbi could sync with other speciies such as the horses they rode just by intertwining and inserting the end of their tails into a similar aperture of the horse was amazing.  Once the connection was made the horse and Nawbi rider became one; their nervous systems melded.  The rider had only to think what he/she wanted the horse to do and it did it; no words were needed. 

Another aspect fo the movie that really struck me was the stasis chamber.  It struck me as so familiar when  lead character (can't remember his name) climbed in, layed down and then relaxed his mind so that it went thorugh what coudl be likened a wormhole and into the body of his sleeping feline like avatar.  It brought back a recurrent dream segment that I later realized was actually happening and I was remembering it as part of a dream beucase it happened when I Joscelyn was asleep. 

In my book, I spoke of remembering how I as Jelaila, felt when I would climb into one of those chamber then lay down.  I had to step up a couple of steps and then crawl in and lay down on my back.  I recall looking up as a tall feline looking male with the kindest blue eyes and warm smile talked to me as he gently closed the clear lid.  I also recall him gently saying, "Just relax and breathe it in" as I struggled to relax and breathe in the blue liquid that would sustain my body while I was away.

As Jelaila...I was moving my consiousness between a Feline body on a ship--I recall the ship as well--and human body.  This went on for over a decade as I worked on my mission here.  I don't know how many times Jealila went back home during those years but I do recall remembering things from dreams that seemed so incredibly real the next morning when I awakened.  One such memory was climbing out of the chamber and being greeted by Devin and Joysia.  After stretching my legs, we would walk out of the room and down a long hall, discussing what I had experienced on Earth.  We were heading towards a room where I would be debriefed.  As we approached the intrance a door would quietly glide open.  Inside was an almost oval table with a big dome in the middle that lit up in various colors.  One could liken it to a crystal ball because images would appear in it and they would be coming from my if I was downloading all my memories for the others to see.  There was more to this but I'll stop here.

One of my New Year's resolutions is to drink more water but I know I'm gonna struggle with that one.   I notice a subtle, almost imperceptable feeling of panic when I drink water, as if I'm gonna drown.  Could be a past life issue or it is the blue liquid?  Jelaila really seemed to struggle with it.  Back to the movie...

All in all, I feel it was a beautiful movie with many messages for us today. I hope it draws millions of people to see it and if my hunch is correct, it could have the impact on the mass consciousness that was intended.  I'm going back to see it in 3D.  I hear that is out of this world! No pun intended. *smile*

Grateful Thoughts

On the first day of each new year, I wax rather sentimental.  Pulling out my journal from the previous year or so, I reread all that I was grateful for and all that I had wished for.  If the wishes came true, I look to see if they were mentioned in the following year's notes.  Last year I wished for better health, a business that continued to prosper, a way to get my family back together and a loving resolution to my relatonshiop with Jonathan, my partner of 10 years.  I wished for my daugther to find her way after having to give up her dream of being a theatrical stage director, and her scholarhsip, due to health problems. 

All of these wishes were granted, but as ususal, how they were granted left me with mixed feelings.  My health improved in some areas...I have more stamina; a gift after years with Chronic Fatigue.  My business has continued to hum along but my father's death was the catalyst for my family's healing.  Jonathan and I divorced after 10 years of marriage; it was hard to lose my best friend. but we both knew our time together was at an end..   My daughter found her new dream and is doggedly pursuing it.  It's so nice to see her excited again after wathcing her flounder for 2 years.  So, I guess the lesson here is that wishes are granted but we must find a way to be grateful for how thyey are granted even when the means is not exactly what we wanted. 

I am grateful for my family's healing.
I am grateful for my father and the love he gave me.  I carry him in my heart.
I am grateful for 10 years with Jonathan and that he and I remain friends.
I am grateful for the new love that has come my way; the love of a man who is honorable, kind, gentle and trustworthy, all the qualities I found in Jonathan. 
I am grateful that Danielle has found a new career and a new future.
I am grateful for love and loyalty of my friends; they got me through some really tough times this past year.
I am grateful that my work is still going...that people actually want to hear what I have to say.  That still just blows me away.
My wishes for this year?
I wish for even better health and the willpower to carry out my plan to attain it.
I wish for my new love and I to grow closer and that our plans to build a life together are realized this year.
I wish for my daughter to realize her dream this year with a degree.
I wish for my friends to realize all their dreams for the year.
I wish for the wisdom and understanding to continue being a voice of reason in a chaotic world.
I wish for this work to continue to fulfill the needs of those who are drawn to it; that it prosper in return.