Monday, January 4, 2010

First Monday of the Year and Decade

Don't know about you but Mondays have typically been a downer for many people...I must admit to feeling that way myself from time to time, but today is different.  Today, I feel so positive about well..everything.  As this Monday of the year and decade commences I feel as though anything is possible and the future is bright.  I think of all that I have been blessed with...a great way to get positive if not already.  I have health, a warm home, the love of a good man, a wonderful family, loyal friends, sweet 4-legged friends--they are my joy sponsors--and work that makes my heart sing.  Plus, the sun is shining making everthing appear to sparkle as it reflects off the 8+ inches of snow.  Who cares if it's only 3 degrees outside? How can I not feel excited? 

I think not only does your thoughts and actions on teh first day of the year set the tone for the rest of the year, what you do and feel on the first work day of the year does the same.  What do you think?


Aurora said...

I think same like you. Just it has not been last monday - i had to work on that day too (teaching yoga), but i was just a "break" from my holidays... i was not so much confident with my holiday-work plan bout christmas time this year, because it would have been better to shut down teaching for some 2 weeks and not having some days of little work between. It would have been more relaxing the other way. But today it was my "real" work start for this year and it was a good one. I was motivated and easy going from early morning on. Thankfulness is something that is actually coming to my consciousness more and more. Its crazy how mind is often complaining and just seeing what he thinks is not good enough. I start to see and feel more and more that I am already in paradise, having everything I need, and being really giftet with a lot of circumstances in my life. Love, Doris.

Anonymous said...

Whatever we believe, we see the results in everything because we begin looking for things to fit into our puzzle. We attract then that which helps us to live our story. Change the thoughts or the components of the story, then our point of view or dimensional outlook changes.

If we no longer believe in time, then every moment can become the guage for how one feels instead of being attached to an outer source. If we begin living fully from the inside out, we then transcend fate and cyclic issues to follow what we feel in the Moment.