The 2010 Conscious Life Expo was wonderful and well attended. I don't know what the actual count was but it had to be around 10,000. Perhaps it was the line up of notable speakers that drew so many people. There was Zecharia Sitchin, Gregg Braden, Debbie Ford, Richard Hoagland, Dannion Brinkley, David Wilcock, Jean Houston and a host of others.
The energy of this expo was very high and the beautiful setting...the Hilton, which had been feng shuied--loved the crystals hanging from the chandelier above the foyer--only added to the feeling. Of course, the wonderful sunny and warm southern California weather helped as well...especially for those of us from snowy areas.
It appears that the two main focuses for this conference were 2012 and Nibiru. People seemed genuinely concerned about 2012 and what part Nibiru would play.
I began the conference with seemed to me to be a good omen. I was at the buffet table for lunch on Friday when lo and behold Shirley McClaine walked up. My 2.5 years living in LA had taught me to act cool and polite and not talk to or was hard though. She was only a foot away from me! When I turned to go back to my table, I walked right past none other than Zecharia Sitichin making his way, albeit very slowly--he's around 90 years old--to the salad table. OMG! They were having lunch together. Isn't that something I thought....Shirley, the woman who had played such an instrumental role in the awakening of so many people including me, was learning about Nibiru! Gave me a warm feeling.
I had a lecture and 2 workshops this time, along with a seat on the 2012 Panel. The panel came first, followed shortly after by the lecture and 1 of 2 workshops; all of them on Saturday. Oh, I have to tell you about that. This panel was hosted by George Noory of Coast to Coast fame. Panelist were David Wilcock, Dannion Brinkley, Sean David Morton, David Childress, John Hogue, Christian Von Lahr and Richard Hoagland. I was the only female. There was a mix up about the panels--I was mistakenly placed on the Prophecy Panel instead of this one so it came as a surprise ot the men when I walked up and introduced myself before we all took our places at the table. I have to admit to having more than a few jitters, after all I was in the company of some big names in the industry.
With 8 panelist and some of them rather long-winded we only got through 2 questions about 2012. The first was, what will happen in 2012? The second was, will there be earth changes in 2012. I answered the first one but after taking about an hour for the men to answer the second one, George Noory, the panel host went straight to questions. I was okay with that because I felt that being the newbie in this group, less is more.
Fortunately 2 of the 4 audience questions were for me. The second question was most relevant because I was able to explain my take on how movies are used to help train us to remember our collective galactic past along with how to make different choices for our future. I went through the Matrix, the Terminator series and then the movie Avatar. As I explained, the Matrix series was given to show us that we ended up caught in frequency fences, the Terminator series showed us what occurred when we created artificial intelligence that could outlive, out work and outthink us and how we handled it in the past. And the Avatar movie was given to us to show us our potential future, a future we could choose if we embraced compassion. The audience seemed to really get it...I was relieved.
Here's the link a clip from the panel discussion where I talk about the movies and the significance of Avatar:
My thoughts about some of the men...Richard Hoagland sat on my left. He is what I would call...gallant. I really liked him. Sean David Morton was interesting...a bit intense. He took several hits from the other guys during the a result of his sometimes outrageous behavior--the one that immediately comes to mind is when he stood up and blew into a conch shell then told the audience that he had to blow his own horn since no one else would. Then, he asked the audience indulge him for about 45 seconds while he gave his credentials, a list of predictions that did come took about 5 minutes! Sean speaks very fast and it wasn't long before the audience was on overload.
David Wilcock was introduced next and instead of speaking of himself, he took the audience into a few moments of meditation to calm them down. I have to say it was an excellent move and one that was greatly needed. Subsequently Sean was the recipient of several barbs from the other men; don't think he was very happy about that. I really felt for him after a few of them, especially the one where David Childress jokingly said he'd like to see a list of all Sean's predictions that didn't come true.
David Wilcock tried to turn it into a panel discussion but didn't get very far. I really like David...we seem to have a warm connection and his girlfriend Aurora is such a lovely woman. I think that David and I click because we both intuitively sense the challenges each faces in putting ourselves out there as we do.
Dannion was in fine form keeping the audience laughing with his jokes about wanting to drive a spaceship. I always enjoy hearing him speak cause I know I'll walk away in a good mood. All joking aside, Dannion has a sweet side and his feelings are deep and evident when he talks of his hospice organization which I think is called, Twilight Brigade. Having died more than once he knows what awaits us and offering comfort to dying veterans is one way to assure them that the end is simply another beginning.
David Childress, who sat to my right was pretty hot...I really liked his energy....nuff said.
I had about an hour before my lecture, The Mystery of Nibiru Revealed. I had already braced myself for the possibility that no one would attend because I was scheduled at the same time as Zecharia Sitchin.
There are moments in life that remain with us forever....I had one of those moments when I walked into the lecture room to find a packed. There were folks crowded into the back of the room, sitting in the aisle and on the floor around the stage. I had about 3 feet to walk in before I risked stepping on someone's hand or foot. What's funny is that as I was flying down the hall looking for my lecture room, I had glanced into that room and thought to myself...boy that must be a very interesting speaker cause they have a packed room. What a surprise when my friend Michael Alpough grabbed my arm to pull be back saying, "Jelaila, that's your room, girl!"
I gingerly picked my way to the front trying not to step on any fingers or toes. As I stood there waiting fore everyone to settle down, I felt awed and humbled. I spoke of Nibiru and why the Nibiruans chose to disconnect our 10 DNA strands. The questions were flying and before long it was over. Michael shot some footage of the crowd. I hope to be able to get it and put it up for you to see.
We had a full house for the workshop on DNA Recoding and Psychic Ability even though I was again up against Zecharia Sitchin. Guess it was time for the Nibiruans' and their perspective to be heard, eh? This workshop went very well and there is a video of it for sale on the Expo site at:
All in all it was a great conference and I felt that whatever the Nibirauns wanted to see occur, did so. I was told that a lot depended on how it went and the connections made. Holding my own on the 2012 panel and even recieving a compliment from George Noory and a warm handshake from Richard Hoagland seemed to be 2 of the connections that were needed.
My heartfelt thanks to three people who helped make this expo experience so wonderful. Julie Dickey, Michael Alpough and Gary Thompson. Julie flew from Austin to help me in the booth. Julie kept me grounded and was a workout pal. We spent happy moments drinking coffee each morning, sitting in the balcony overlooking the foyer at the Hilton. Michael was my fun sponsor, ensuring that I remembered to have fun. He was also my cameraman and like Julie an all around go to person. Using his new Flip camera, Michael was able to capture footage and get people's testamonials. He was also there to carry heavy boxes and just do whatever it took to make things go smoothly. I'd love to be able to have both he and Julie with me wherever this work takes me.
Gary was there to help man the booth and I am so grateful for that. He wrote his own book and was proudly selling it. I was happy to be able to support him by giving him space in the booth. I really admired the way he would answer people's questions with enthusiasm no matter how tired he was.
So here I sit on Thursday morning. I am still not sure what will come of it all and that's okay--I feel it is forming. And just as back in 2003 when I reached the previous level--again at this expo--the next step will show itself. Right now I'm just going to focus on what has become on the mainstays of this work--another Emotional Clearing workshop. It will be here at my house in late March.
I feel that there were many others at the conference who felt it was going to be pivotal to their next step. Like me they too will carry on with what they have been doing until that next step shows itself. As David Childress reminded us during the 2012 Panel, before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; after enlightenment chop wood, carry water.
Quadraclear update
This product seems to work well. Claude no is longer shaking his head but I
clean them daily w the Q tips and apply Quadraclear on my finger. The
soreness ...
14 years ago
Its wonderful that it exceeded your expectations.
Will you be a guest on coast to coast AM anytime soon?
Having made it to the Saturday lecture and workshop, I can see why you were so pleased. You did a wonderful job and there was indeed an overwhelming acceptance of what you were offering and a need to learn about what you presented. Thank you!
Sounds like a really good positive happening.
Be proud that as hard as you have worked to bring people to open their minds to the possibility of Nibiru and a new better future here, that you had people excited to listen to you. That in itself shows a huge connection made.
Jelaila was INCREDIBLE at the C.L.E. Afterwards I met so many people who now can see this reality of what she has been speaking of for over 15 years. That reality is compassion and the true meaning of how it plays the main role in our lives every moment of our walk on this dimensional plane. When Jelaila spoke on the panel her words sent shivers through the crowd. I know because I felt it going through me. It is difficult holding a camera steady with this rush of energy going. And all these people who showed up for the lecture brought the same energy with them. I actually had to part the crowd to get her to the front of the room. What fun for all of us! My personal nickname I call Jelaila is "CHAMP". When I'm with her I always say to her "go get em Champ". Even though she does'nt need me to say a word about what she needs to do, I say it anyway, because that is who I am. By the end of the Conscious Life Expo more people now know she is the "Champion of Compassion". Most people know Jelaila is a very determined and focused being. It is written on her face and body language. Jelaila also has a smile that lights a room up, that puts people at ease. You can see her compassion so clearly when she bursts out with that smile. I could write a book on the things I have learned from this brave woman. Thank you Champ for putting me in the front row of your life! I'm honored.
Great Compassion to all,
Michael Alpough
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