Like so many other world events, I watch them unfold while observing my intuitive response. When I learned of Bin Laden's death, knowing what I know, I felt concerned. I felt that this is a cover or distraction for something else. My initial thought was, What shoe will drop? In other words it feels as though this event is a precursor to something we will dread...yes...that's it. I feel a sense of dread. I feel they are going to use this as a way increase security restrictions so that they can completely imprison us. This may be the way the finally lock the gates on the American people, pulling off what they have failed to be able to do since 9/11. They, of course, are the Global Elite. Their intention is to enslave humanity and microchip them to a massive computer. 9/11 was supposed to bring that about but the plan failed becuase Americans didn't respond as expected. Instead, we reacted with compassion or at least enough to spoil their plan. We reacted with suspicion, smelling the proverbial rat. We could not be convinced to begin a war.
Now, I beleive they will use Bin Laden's death and the "threat of retaliation" as an excuse to bring about micro chipping and all other extreme security measures. We will be forced to live in a police state--now in the open--as Germans did in WWII. Kiss any remaining illusion of freedom good bye.
Okay, that's my 3D response. Now, for a higher perspective....stepping into my god self, I see this event and the new security threat and soon to be im posed measures as an accerlation of the Game. In other words, we've been idling for a while waiting for the Dark to make it's next move. Now they are moving and rather quickly. We have less than 2 years to 2012....this move on their part will accelerate the emtional clearing requred to get us to the level needed to create a better world on the other side of our equatorial crossing at the end of 2012. So, the Dark is once again serving the Light. Let's get it on!
Now, I beleive they will use Bin Laden's death and the "threat of retaliation" as an excuse to bring about micro chipping and all other extreme security measures. We will be forced to live in a police state--now in the open--as Germans did in WWII. Kiss any remaining illusion of freedom good bye.
Okay, that's my 3D response. Now, for a higher perspective....stepping into my god self, I see this event and the new security threat and soon to be im posed measures as an accerlation of the Game. In other words, we've been idling for a while waiting for the Dark to make it's next move. Now they are moving and rather quickly. We have less than 2 years to 2012....this move on their part will accelerate the emtional clearing requred to get us to the level needed to create a better world on the other side of our equatorial crossing at the end of 2012. So, the Dark is once again serving the Light. Let's get it on!
im confused. im very intersted in this universal living? im not sure what to call it. but it confuses me. how is it that people know about these things? when did this information come forth? and why is it being hidden? i dont understand why all these other alien species can seem to coexist with knowledge of eachother, but we, the humans are left out and kept in the shadows? how is it that these other alien species look like animals from OUR planet? please help!
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