Been waking up at around 4am every night for the past month or so. This is not a normal pattern for me. I'd lay awake for about an hour and then drift off to sleep again, waking around 7am. An intensely vivid dream that was both logical and chronoligal would be on my mind as I awoke. After a about a month and having figured out the meaning of several dreams, I realized that they were "training dreams". It's as if my guides are saying, "Pay attention, we are preparing you for a new assignment!" The 4am thing is a wake up call meant to alert me that a traning session is about to begin and then I go back to sleep and have the "training dream". There were a couple of times when I actually heart an alarm go off in my head. The night that the earthquake hit Chile, I heard an alarm that sounded both like a buzzer and a ringer...and it was muffled as if the alarm clock was under a pillow. I also heard a voice say, "Time to wake up!" Strange!
Having been trained to understand dream symbols, I am able to figure out most of them; the challenge is to act on their message.
Anyone else had this?
Well, sort of.. I wake up between 3 and 4am. Normally I won't remember my dreams, maybe once in a month or so. I had two dreams in one night this week. First I was on a sort of galactic council meeting and I was reading aloud a work paper which we would discuss then. I woke up. Secondly I slept again and in i had a talk with one of the meetings attendants. He had someting on the table in front of us. One was an orange crystal and the other a small tube with an orange fluid in it. He said: you people are so obsessed with the solid crystals. Please pay attention to the fluid ones.
Next day I went to a minaral auction and found the beautiful enhydro crystal I had been searching for!
My sleep patterns are a mess too. I wake up with pristine clarity but with each movement of getting out of bed, it closes off and I forget it all.
My sensitivity is just too much these days. The days of the quakes was really uncomfortable, with a low level tremor and foggy senses. Then last night I was feeling an uncomfortable vibration deep within as I watched tv, then realised it was next doors washing machine on a spin cycle! Phew!
I have also been experiencing this but am having trouble deciphering what the dream is trying to show me therefore I am not sure how to act on them yet. These training sessions started after reading a book called The Golden Ones.
Oh yes, dreams of devastation, flooding,
small towns totally empty of people, about the middle of Feb.. I wish my guides were so polite. They literally wake me up quite early in the morning by talking in my right ear, reminding of this or that.
KInd of handy sometimes, but if I tell them to let me be and let me sleep, they will. But
I am getting this same message overall, pay attention to the news. I hate the news. Pay attention they say, there will be things you will need to see on the news. Uggh.
You will know it when you see it. All they will say, my son said that to me in a dream too.
He has crossed over five years ago, Last year I had a dream with him in it. Toward the end of the dream, there was an old hotel with all these people inside just glued to TV's. President Obama was speaking on the sets.
Then out the back there was a large green lawn with all kinds of people walking up and sitting in chairs, from all around the world.
Including a long procession of Amish couples
Everyone was walking up and then sitting in chairs.
When I asked what was going on and what was I supposed to do, my son replies, you'll know it when you see it.
I wake up every night usually once, for years now. Since the earthquake I needed a lot of sleep, more than 8 hours which is unusual. I had the feeling of having done a lot and of needing a rest now, after having woken up but I don't remember what exactly I did. Yesterday during the meditation part of my yoga lesson I got the message: It is time to leave. I knew right away that it meant to walk out - but I don't want to, not now!! The answer was that I could also stay and go on here. But THIS assignment is over which means I can choose a new one now..! I want something easy ;-) but I know it is not going to be. I want to stay because I feel responsible for the planet and because I am worried about what someone else with maybe less experience would do in my place who would first have to adjust after having walked in. And we don't have time for this now. I hope all of you will decide to stay too!
I sometimes hear a beeping sound (like an alarm clock) in my head that wakes me up. Especially when I take a nap during daytime. It doesn't mean that I would remember any dreams then thou.
I remember my dreams very rarely, and usually if I do there's some message for me. Just night after the winter solstice I had a dream where I was told that I'll write a book and was given a pen for it. To this day I have no idea what this book would be about.
A week later I got a message in dream that said: "fight the bull and you become an artist". I haven't figured out yet what it means.
Jelaila, it's amazing that you mentioned the alarm clock going off in your dream! I have been waking between the hours of 3am and 4am for several years. I am much busier at night when I 'sleep', than when I am 'awake' during the day! I know every evening before I got to bed, that my work will begin. The early morning hours of the Chili earthquake I finished a dream with a loud BONG! BONG! BONG! BONG! It was if someone were hitting a large metal pan or dish with a rubber mallet, 4 distinct times! I sat straight up and asked my husband if he had heard it. It was so clear that I thought it was coming from someone outside hitting the side of a metal object. Of course he hadn't heard a thing......later, I learned of the earthquake.
I am awake while dreaming this past week. Phasing in and out of dream*collective. Collecting time cells. Gathering information about future potentials. Gleaning multidimensional parallels. SEED8S. Weaving space*time. Now*Notime. Beaming*goldinside* EYE*I*EYE. Jill
Hi, I have been experiencing the exact same thing, for about a month or two. the only difference is that I can;t remember most of my dreams. a couple of times, between the 5 am and 7 am 'nap', I experience my body a bit numb and feel as if I'm being manipulated. it is hard to explain, but it feels like 'gigantic hands' are moving me around my bed and, sometimes, around my room and out of the window. It feels really good, so peaceful. and I remember trying to communicate with whoever is doing that, but I get no response. last time I woke up with someone saying my name.
i wake up every night sometime between 2 and 4 am - no matter how tired i am or how much sleep i have had - and my entire body hurts/ACHES upon wakening - i don't usually remember my dreams - when i am 'awake' i loose hours of time and have no recollection of things i've done/conversations i've had etc (there is evidence of me doing things that i have no memory of doing) - i feel like i don't know who is looking back at me when i look in the mirror and i keep hearing voices saying my name - but i'm not too worried about any of it for some reason - i have this feeling that things are happening as they are meant to and that i am in alignment with where my soul wants to take me :)
...but it would be nice to sleep through a night
I have been waking up around between 4:00am 4:30am.
This has been happening every morning for along time and I go back to sleep knowing I will dream for near future most likely and I do almost all the time.
Short while ago I have had dreams about my parents whom I have lost both. In dream they are a sleep and I could hear their breathing.
For awhile during the day time, I could still hear them in sleeping sound.
I still don't understand why....
Hello Jelila,
Yes! and only recently. For me it is often 4:44 and if I choose to lay there for an hour or so, I have the most lucid dreams. Odd...usually a through a vehicle of recent events, a lesson is folded in. Good to know many of us are there. Having knowledge of this will be beneficial to my guide as I will feel less alone.
Love, Light and Lessons,
Grace ful
Don't know whether this dream is of any good to you. It's been from a while ago but ever so vivid. Starts out i'm in a basement/ despatch. The world in covered in water. I'm sitting on a pallet box the box goes out of the despatch doors and i'm riding the waves on this box. Next moment i'm walking through a corridor hallway with a jungle appearance. i come to an entrance/doorway upon which there are walking sticks with various animal heads. I go to touch the tiger one. it bites my finger but there is no blood. I walk through the doorway, into what appears to be outside but underwater. There are mer people watching as i walk up to a building that looks like the whitehouse but different. Next thing i know i'm in front of somesort of council. Almost as though i'm reporting to them. didn't get the impression of being in trouble. Just a panel of people/beings. Next thing i know, i'm back and awake in bed. Symbolically unsure as to it's meaning. But feel it was really important.
Dawn Arts
for months now i have been waking up at 4am. it's irritating. but when i do, i move into the spare bedroom and usually have a series of vivid dreams. i was recently told i was of cat people heritage and i have to admit this whole... ET thing is brand new to me... but... i am accepting it with a silent sort of understanding. it makes sense, i have to admit.
I am 19 years old and a freshman in college. It started this past week that Im waking up around 4am every morning. Everytime, I wake up having the weirdest dreams that I can only piece together a few parts that I remember. Today I woke up at the end of a dream where a scary looking grim reaper was staring at me im the face. when I fully woke, my roommate had gotten up also bc I had screamed really loud in my sleep. Anyways, I talked to my mom about it bc I had gone home this weekend and she's really scared for me. To the point in where we went to church this past Saturday for the first time after a gazillion years ago which is good because I find church to be calming. When I left she copied 2 pages of prayers for me to read before I went to bed. I read them and its as if now that I get woken up im not scared its just a pain in the butt because I have class in 3 hrs and I can never fall back asleep when I do wake. I also looked at dream books to see if I can figure this thing out, but the more I look into it, the more I find it harder to piece what the dreams trying to say. Just learning about this whole experience and I want to learn more about it, but at the same time I don't know where to go from here. Any advise anyone?
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