Friday, August 20, 2010

A walk down memory lane.

Today I dropped a couple of sessoin recordings by a client's office.  Her office is in the same building where mine was when I owned Creative Referral Networks.  though I drive by the building numerous times during the week, I've not been inside since 1996.   In August of that year, I packed my things and moved out leaving the business to my assistant.  I recall how frightened I was to leave not only my business but a great career and my reputation behind.  I was leaving to become a psychic/counselor after having spent 6 long years building a networking business. 

Walking down the hall, I noticed how hard it was not to cry as I peeked into the office suite that had once been mine.  I could almost smell the fresh coffee brewing just as it had so many mornings as I walked through the door.  Marla, my assistant was already there.

Walking further down the long hall towards the end where the management office for the office suite I orignally had was located, I peeked into the reception room and saw the daycare across the parking lot.  it was a La Petite and I chose a one-room office that overlooked it so I could see my then 3 year-old daughter playing in teh playground.  Additionally, I could pop in and see how she was doing during the day.

Suddenly the pain of those years and all that was lost washed over me and again I fought back the tears.  They were beautiful years but isn't funny how we tend to remember the pain more than the joy?  My little girl is all grown up now....

Standing in the elevator as it made its way back to the ground floor, I remembered myself standing there...smartly dressed in a busienss suit with matching high heels, perfectly manicured nails, and briefcase...thinking about the next appointment, wondering if I was going to meet the montly bills.  I wanted to be able to travel back in time and talk to that 34 year old version of myself and let her know that she could relax...that everything was going to work out just fine.  She would eventually own a house...something I so wanted for Danielle and myself back then.  I would tell her that Danielle would be okay and she would grow into a fine young woman.  I wanted to tell her that her business was simply the training ground for what she really came to this planet to do.  I wanted to tell her that she would indeed leave a legacy...again something I wanted to do even back then. 

I got off the elevator, my heart still aching, walked out to my car, got in and drove away.

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