Thursday, December 24, 2009

New perspective

Sitting here watching the birds on the feeder outside my office window, I have both happy and sad feelings about my future.  My mood began yesterday after a session with a client.  It seems she is going to be the one who takes over for me.  When we called in the guides, they were the 9D Nibiruans and Jelaila in particular.  As I wrote in Mission Remembered, Jelaila completed her mission and returned home back in last 2004.  I, Joscelyn, the former soul returned to my body.  I later learned that walk-ins can go both ways.

I've been doing clean up work since then and preparing for a new mission.  Seems I am not going to do as much or maybe I am; the news that Jelaila is working with another of her aspects was something of a shock to me.  I knew the session was as much for me as for my client.  I'm in semi-retirement now....whatever that means.  At this point I think it means that I'll be doing radio interviews and a few conferences, but no more of the heavy grid and template work.  This is my time to focus on my persoanl needs such as getting rehabbing my body.  I've developed arthritis in my lower back.  It's also my time to focus on my personal relationships and strengthen them...something not easy to do with in full work mode.  So, I'm happy about that but, at the same time, feeling lost and sad that what had filled my every waking moment is at an end for me. 

Jelaila and the other 9D Nibiruans will be training this individual; I feel for her!  It's a tough training but I think she will do well.  Funny, she so looks like Jelaila, too.  I know as time healers, the 9D Nibiruans have multiple aspects of themselves in numerous dimensions so it makes sense that Jelaila would have others here to do the work that needs to be done.  Still, I have to admit to a bit of jealously and feelings of abandonment knowing that those I felt so close to for so many years are moving on.  Guess that's normal.  Oh, it doesn't mean that I'm put out to pasture completely; just that the close interaction will be less frequent part because I'm well trainined and thus, don't need close supervision, and becuase my work now requires less interaction. 

Okay, enough pity party...time to go have some fun.  I'm off to see Avatar with my boyfriend of 7 months and his family.  He knows me as Joscelyn. 

On that note, I guess it's time I follow through on my promise to my dying father to legally reclaim my birth name.  That will be one of my New Year's resolutions.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Holidays...end of year message

Hi Everyone,

Wow! Hard to believe another year is ending. As it draws to a close, I think about the years ahead...we only have 3 years until 2012! OMG! That means only 3 years to get our work least the part that must be completed before our planet crosses the galactic equator.

At the same time, I feel excited because these are the times we all came here for...and we've been waiting and waiting. Now oru time has come. I can't wait until my family discovers, via the media that aliens have been here for along time. Won't they crap their pants!  lol

Anyway, it's good to meet you all and let's interact more. That's one of my goals this coming post more often and keep the flow of conversation going. Though the events of 2010 are going to increase the consciousness on the planet, our missions and assignments will be more challenging too. We need each other...sometimes just to whine a bit. I know I do. So let's talk!

On that note, I'll be sending out weekly video message..some with supporting articles, to help get everyone through the next year and beyond. I'll focus on your mission and mission assignments as they pertain to current events. After successfully fulling my mission and starting a new one (helping others through their missions), I feel qualified and honored to do this. You will receive notice of the messages (free) through my mailing list. Here's the subsribe link:

So, enjoy the holidays cause the new year is going to kick ass!

In service,
Jelaila Starr
The Nibiruan Council

Monday, December 14, 2009

Starseeds, Walk-ins and Lightworkers: Intermediate Training

The pace along with the drain on finances begins to slow as you enter the final stage of basic training. Of course, your local new age bookstore owner won’t be so happy about that but you can assure him that your purchasing is not over. *smile*

I really enjoyed writing this segment.  Brought back many fond memories.  Read on....
Article link:


Friday, December 4, 2009


I love this video...true integration in action!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Starseed, Walk-in and Lightworker Series: Basic Mission Training

Another installment is complete.  This part of the series is close to my heart because it deals with mission training.  This installment covers basic training and what you can expect.

I'm so excited to be able to help others who are still in process. If you are in basic training or have just completed it, please post your questions and/or share your expereinces.  You'd be surprised how your story can help others.

Video Link:
Article Link:

Jelaila Starr

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Discussing multi-d concepts with mainstream media

How do you explain multidimensional concepts, including ascension, 2012, starseeds, walk-ins, timelines, and Planet X, with mainstream radio and talkshow hosts? Check out Jelaila Starr's interview on the Rollye James Show.
Interview link:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Starseed, Walk-in and Lightworker Series: The Mission

The 5th installment in the series is posted.  This one was quite challenging because I couldn't quite figure out how to include a message from the Nibiruans.  The message involved a first contact scenario.  Here's the article and video links:


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Starseeds, Walk-ins and Lightworkers Series: Lightworker Challenges

Lightworkers face numerous challenges as they pursue the Spiritual path adn their missions.  This article covers two that, in my 15+ years as a counselor, are universal. Moreover, they are experienced by starseeds and walk-ins as they, too, are lightworkers. 
My heart goes out to all of you on the path, tenaciously clinging to faith and hope as you pursue your missions.  This article is meant both to show that someone understands, and to let you know that you are not alone.  Feel free to pass on.
Jelaila Starr
Article link:
Video link:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Starseed, Walk-in and Lightworker Series: Walk-in Challenges

Hey everyone,
The 3rd installment of the series is posted.  This one covers challenges common to walk-ins.  Though I'm excited at the prospect of assisting starseeds and lightworkers, helping walk-ins is near and dear to my heart as I have first-hand experience with those challenges.  Enjoy and feel free to pass on.
Article link:
Video Link:  

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Starseed Challenges

Hi All,

Here's the next installment in the Starseed, Walk-in and Lightwoker series.  It's called: Starseed Challenges
This segment focuses on some of the most common challenges that starseeds face and why. 
Click here for the article
Click here for the video

Monday, October 19, 2009

Starseed, Walk-in and Lightworker Series

Today you’ll receive the first segment in a series of video messages I’ll be doing on starseeds, walk-ins and lightworkers. I’ve chosen this topic due to the number of inquiries I receive each week from you. Seems many are confused about what defines a starseed or lightworker or walkin. Even more are confused about the phases of mission training and how they receive and carry out the many assignments contained in their respective missions.

Having been trained by the Nibiruans and successfully completed a 10+ year mission (Project Earth Shift), I feel it is now my turn to around and help those of you still in process. So whether you are just awakening and still trying to complete basic training, or a seasoned but mission weary veteran in need of an injection of inspiration, this series was created for you. :-)
This week’s segment covers definitions of a lightworker, a starseed and a walk-in. Enjoy and feel free to pass it on.
Click here for video  
Jelaila Starr

Thursday, October 15, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine - Getting clearer

H1N1 Vaccine - Getting clearer

It appears from the emails and comments to my last video, I am still unclear about my position. So, I'm gonna take another stab at it.

First and foremost, I am not advocating voluntarily taking the vaccine. I don't want to take it anymore than you do. I am also not advocating passive compliance. Far from it, I am advocating active integration! What does active integration mean? It means working from the God/higher perspective to see this issue and taking actions that will alter it first on the inner planes and so that it manifests differently, i.e. as an optional  rather than a mandated vaccination.

If you'd watched the movie, The Secret, then you are aware of how everything and I mean everything begins on the inner the 90% of reality that we don't see. That 90% is the Void, the point of creation...of raw energy. With our thoughts we take raw energy and form it based on the vibration of our energy. It becomes a thoughtform then. Once initially formed we energize the thoughtform into physicality by thinking and feeling about it over and over. So, if we fear something, an event such as a mandated vaccination, we will continually give that event energy thus manifesting it. But, if we see the same event in a different light, one that is integrative, meaning we see the gift in it, we will manifest the gift instead.

It is my opinion that the gift in this possible mandate is another chance to reclaim power we have lost both personally and nationally in regards to our healthcare. From the higher perspective, we realize that we must do it wrong before we can figure out how to do it right. Okay, we've done it wrong; we are one of the sickest nations in the world with all the processed foods, chemicals and stressful lifestyle that come with an industrialized first world nation. Moreover we have gotten into the mindset that is something goes wrong, we can always go to a doctor and if we don't have health insurance, there is always the free clinic. Hospitals cannot by law turn away someone who needs medical attention. We take drugs we have not researched, we eat foods we have not researched and even when we have, we will still eat the foods that we know are not good for us.

Additionally we are a society that prides itself on logic over emotion. How many times have you been told not to get angry, not to be too emotional? So we stuff our anger and pain and use more and more drugs to keep it suppressed. Just watch evening TV and you'll see ad after ad for drugs to help with depression, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, arthritis, allergies...all illnesses that can be directly traced back to uncleared emotions.

Now, I know there are people who will adamantly state that they have not participated. I ask you, have you lived a perfectly clean physical and emotional life? Are you in perfect physical and emotional health? I dare say none of us can claim to have both. Have you never once stuffed an emotion? Think about the 90%. Are you aware that everything you think and feel becomes part of the mass consciousness? Did you know that anything that you stuff ends up in there where it combines with other negative emotions to manifest as negative events such as the one we are facing now? Yes, it's another aspect of oneness. So, back to the point at hand, when each of us can take responsibility for the part, big or small, that we have played in getting our nation to this point, we can then see this issue from the higher perspective.

In our spiritual studies, we all have learned that we are all one. Remember, every person in the government is a soul in a body. When viewed from the higher perspective, we recognize that those souls collectively have a contract with the rest of our nation to play a role for our collective spiritual growth. If we believe this then we must acknowledge that the government is us so we are fighting and resisting a part of ourselves. How does that make sense? I believe that role the government is playing includes threatening us with something so repugnant to us that we will finally stand up and take back our power/responsibility over our health.

So, to me, the answer is to get the gift, which is the lesson about personal health related responsibility learned. When I get the lesson, I am thankful to the government for being willing to take it this far to push me into seeing how I have given up too much of the responsibility and power over my health. I am now going to be even more proactive in my healthcare and I will not expect the government to take care of me if I screw up. I'm going to be even more aware of my inner world and my emotions and more diligent in clearing them and speaking my truth to do it. I appreciate the governments’ threat cause it woke me up.

If we all took this stance, there'd be no anger, no blame and no resistance. The possible mandate would remain just that, a possibility and would never manifest into an absolute. This is active integration.

Jelaila Starr

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The H1N1 Vaccine, Part 2

Hi Everyone,

Click here for video

I thought I had covered the issue of the swine flu vaccine, H1N1 by providing both an article and video. Even though I explained my position regarding response to a possible enforced vaccination, it appears from the many emails I received, there is still confusion. Today’s video will hopefully answer those questions and bring clarity.

I feel it is important that we understand how to respond with compassion as this issue can be turning point in the ascension process, providing a huge leap in consciousness. Additionally, my guidance tells me that starseeds and walk-ins especially can use this opportunity to heal many ancient wounds from their home worlds as this challenge is indicative of the conflicts that necessitated their coming to Earth at this time.

Feel free to pass it on.

For those who wish to discuss this issue further, post your questions and comments on the new Nibiruan Council Blog. That’s the only place besides the Nibiruan Council Facebook page where I’ll answer.

Article link for the H1N1 Vaccine and the Formula of Compassion:

Jelaila Starr

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Response from the H1N1 article

Well, it appears that once again, there is a lot of confusion around this subject. Some people still feel that resisting the vaccination while having compassion will work. Other's think that I am secretly working for the Global Elite and using my influence to dupe my readers into taking the vaccine. I didn't do a video for the article but I guess I will now. It's the best way to respond. Stay tuned for the video.


Monday, October 5, 2009

The H1N1 Vaccine and the Formula of Compassion

Hi Everyone,

Last week I shared how I will respond if forced to take the H1N1 vaccine. To say the response was heated is an understatement. My decision was based on understanding this situation from a higher perspective...a perspective that allows me to alter reality. Realizing that many people are eager to avoid an enforced vaccination but not sure how to accomplish it, I have written out my process. Feel free to pass it on.
Article Link

Jelaila Starr
The Nibiruan Council

Friday, October 2, 2009

Compassion and the NWO: What we resist persists.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all of you for your kind wishes as I prepared for my first mini vacation in several years. Hiking in Montana was a blast! Getting away for a few days was more critical than I realized as it allowed me to regain the higher perspective that just seems to lost in the day to day shuffle of life.

 Returning, I noticed in inbox held more than the usual amount of emails from concerned individuals regarding the current state of events here in the US and abroad. Each included links to sites sharing news of the many coverups and covert plans to further disenfranchise American citizens in more ways than one. From the swine flu vaccine to the near 350,000 foreign troops being trained to take over in the US in the event of a disaster and mass panic, it seems the Global Elite is moving forward with their plans to establish their New World Order (NWO). I’ve included links to a couple of sites, one of which I just discovered thanks to my friend Gonzo.

As I sat reading through them, I noticed a growing ball of fear in the pit of my stomach not to mention, frustration and anger. I wanted to lash out at someone in their ranks. All of a sudden, I caught myself. What was I doing? I knew better than to respond like that. That’s when I realized that if I am doing it, thousands upon thousands of lightworkers, starseeds and walk-ins are too, so I needed to address these feelings.

As I write this, I realize that the higher perspective on how to respond to the Global Elite’s actions may be somewhat strange to those of you who are new to my list since it goes against what we have been programmed to do. All I can say is what a very dear friend once told me, “The definition of insanity is doing something over and over that you know doesn’t work, yet expecting a different result.” Feel free to pass it on....

Be well and have a great week!
 Jelaila Starr

Click here for video

Steve Quayle’s site:
Check out the dead scientist button on Steve's website. It looks like they are implementing their plan to take out human race via biological weapons. This is just the one link to their agenda to take out 93% of the planet's population. " Carbonbased DNA". Below is the website for Steve Quayle's Monday thru Friday articles:

Project Camelot:  
Has many interviews with noted professionals and researchers.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Getting the word out.

Social media seems to be the new thing now.  The Nibiruans have chosen to use it.  I think that is why they connected me with the multimedia book project, Transforming to 2012.  That project would lead to a 6 week training course on socal media by social media expert, Michelle Price.  (

It appears this is part of the Nibiruans' plan to get the message out and from what I've seen, social media is the way to go.  Sure is more appealing than traveling and living out of a suitcase for the next three years.