Monday, November 23, 2009

Starseed, Walk-in and Lightworker Series: Basic Mission Training

Another installment is complete.  This part of the series is close to my heart because it deals with mission training.  This installment covers basic training and what you can expect.

I'm so excited to be able to help others who are still in process. If you are in basic training or have just completed it, please post your questions and/or share your expereinces.  You'd be surprised how your story can help others.

Video Link:
Article Link:

Jelaila Starr

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Discussing multi-d concepts with mainstream media

How do you explain multidimensional concepts, including ascension, 2012, starseeds, walk-ins, timelines, and Planet X, with mainstream radio and talkshow hosts? Check out Jelaila Starr's interview on the Rollye James Show.
Interview link:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Starseed, Walk-in and Lightworker Series: The Mission

The 5th installment in the series is posted.  This one was quite challenging because I couldn't quite figure out how to include a message from the Nibiruans.  The message involved a first contact scenario.  Here's the article and video links:


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Starseeds, Walk-ins and Lightworkers Series: Lightworker Challenges

Lightworkers face numerous challenges as they pursue the Spiritual path adn their missions.  This article covers two that, in my 15+ years as a counselor, are universal. Moreover, they are experienced by starseeds and walk-ins as they, too, are lightworkers. 
My heart goes out to all of you on the path, tenaciously clinging to faith and hope as you pursue your missions.  This article is meant both to show that someone understands, and to let you know that you are not alone.  Feel free to pass on.
Jelaila Starr
Article link:
Video link:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Starseed, Walk-in and Lightworker Series: Walk-in Challenges

Hey everyone,
The 3rd installment of the series is posted.  This one covers challenges common to walk-ins.  Though I'm excited at the prospect of assisting starseeds and lightworkers, helping walk-ins is near and dear to my heart as I have first-hand experience with those challenges.  Enjoy and feel free to pass on.
Article link:
Video Link: