Sunday, July 25, 2010

preparing for 2012

preparing for 2012
Hey everyone,

Here's the latest radio interview...this time with Joe Marra He is a great host and good interviewer.
We talked a lot about 2012 and the greater significance of the BP Oil spill. Check it out.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

In a Holding Pattern

Was talking about the current energies during lunch with a friend yesterday.  It was a relief to know that I'm not the only one experiencing what I can only explain as being in a holding pattern.  My friend, Sheri said she felt as if she is waiting for something to happen.  "Like waiting for the other shoe to drop type of happening, I asked?"  "No, she replied."  I had to agree with her...I don't feel any sense of trepidation...just a sense that something is going to occur.  Guess you could say, we are in a "void of creation" and in time, we will come out of it and new things will happen...quickly.

What do you think?
PS--to post a comment click on the "comment" link below this message. 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My HCG Journal updated

Thought the previous post was getting a bit long so I'm starting my final entry as a new post.  Today I am into day 11 of Phase 2.  This is the phase where you increase calories and add more protein, fat and veggies.  There's no real limit except that you stay within 2 lbs of your weight on the last day of HCG injections (day 23).  I was at 128.6 on day 23.  So far I have maintained and that has been with a family reunion weekend!  I'm so proud!  I just decided that the birthday cakes, hamburger buns and lasagna were not worth the challenges i had faced the last 26 days so I passed them up. Instead, when I felt myself getting a craving for something sweet I turned to apples, cinnamon walnuts and coffee generously laced with heavy cream.  That did the trick.  Still, I look forward to the day when I can reintroduce good breads...I sure miss them...and certain sugars...I'd love to have a slice of home baked banana nut bread!