Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Thoughts...

It's funny how you can have so many plans for a holiday and then they all fall through.  That's okay, having some time alone after a long year of travel is good.  Today I'm thinking of the things I am grateful for.  What are you thankful for?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Lull....where's next year's assignment!

Is it me or are we in another lull...meaning that it appears the energy has stopped the accelerated movement of the past couple of months.  Can't help but wonder if it is due to things being in "creation" mode.  If that is the case then we must simply be patient and wait for what is being created to manifest.  I must confess that I have a hard time with this especially when it involves the whole of the coming year. 

If you are like me a starseed/walk-in with a mission, this is the time of year when we receive next year's assignment.  I usually have a good idea what is will be by now but not this year.  I'm still about you?