Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Lull....where's next year's assignment!

Is it me or are we in another lull...meaning that it appears the energy has stopped the accelerated movement of the past couple of months.  Can't help but wonder if it is due to things being in "creation" mode.  If that is the case then we must simply be patient and wait for what is being created to manifest.  I must confess that I have a hard time with this especially when it involves the whole of the coming year. 

If you are like me a starseed/walk-in with a mission, this is the time of year when we receive next year's assignment.  I usually have a good idea what is will be by now but not this year.  I'm still about you?

1 comment:

moi c'est mimi said...

Hello !

Well it is not that easy to talk to a princess.

In addition to that, english is not my native language. So, excuse me if I make mistakes.

First of all, I want to congratulate you for the amazing job you're doing here since so many years. You're courageous and I admire that.

I'm a young woman of 22, and I'm also from The Feline Race. I'm from Avyon just like you. As I previously said, writing in english is not really easy for me, and that's because I'm french.

I came across your website unexpectedly, a couple of years ago.

I was searching for some informations concerning the reptilian/draconian race, the reason for this curiosity is that they were observing me since my early childhood. Who they are, I can't really tell, but there is one white draco(in fact,he must have a high rank), and some others of his race. Their purpose remains quite mysterious to me.

I wanted to contact you for a long time, but I choose to do it now.

Anyway, I've always known that my mission is quite particular. Since you're in touch with the Nibiruans, and especially with the Felines, they may entrust you with it. I don't really need help to ascend ( I intuitively know how to do it), but that will be great to have someone of my own original race into confidence.

My off-world family must not have heard from me since a while, so it would be wonderful if you could tell them that I'm always also determined to reach my goal. Plus, you could send my greetings to them (surely your guides are in contact with mines).
One of my friends is 25 years old and she is currently living not far from me. She is a exceptional person and confident, and I'm pretty convinced that she must be a feline, and one of my former relatives on Avyon.

The Nibiruans may reveal you all you need to know about the two of us.

I don't have much time, as I feel my mission will really begin in 2.5 years.

You may hear from me pretty soon if your guides find it relevant.

Yours faithfully,