Saturday, July 24, 2010

In a Holding Pattern

Was talking about the current energies during lunch with a friend yesterday.  It was a relief to know that I'm not the only one experiencing what I can only explain as being in a holding pattern.  My friend, Sheri said she felt as if she is waiting for something to happen.  "Like waiting for the other shoe to drop type of happening, I asked?"  "No, she replied."  I had to agree with her...I don't feel any sense of trepidation...just a sense that something is going to occur.  Guess you could say, we are in a "void of creation" and in time, we will come out of it and new things will happen...quickly.

What do you think?
PS--to post a comment click on the "comment" link below this message. 


Retirement Miramichi Inc. said...

For what it's worth, here's what's happening in my world!

On the last day of February I got a clear message to pay extra attention, but to what in particular, who knew? Within a week I understood: Go Time. vacation's over, shake the sand off your butt, you will be moving into new community-building action.

Since then, the vision and team are unfolding and effortless forward manifestation is validating it all, but the energy flow is sporadic or jerky around the "happenings", if that makes sense...?

Based on what I know and what I'm experiencing now, methinks we can expect this type of unfolding into the late fall, with more speed and intensity at each happening. Remember Bugs Bunny ~ "on with The Show ~ this is It!!

y'all have a great week.

Anonymous said...

i have been feeling as if i'm mostly asleep and struggling to wake up. it's been accompanied with the feeling of waiting... for what, i don't know, but i am definitely waiting.

midnightrouge said...

i havebeen experiencing many symptoms of this kind and have the intense feeling of having a job to do but not sure what. i think whatever is going to happen we are all waiting for the time to action our specified jobs at the specified time, although i am not sure yet what it is or when it will happen. maybe thats why we are experiencing this feeling of waiting for something but not knowing why. and the intense feeling of not feeling like we belong but with no reason for that?????