Wednesday, March 30, 2011

(2/3) Comet Elenin is orbiting along with Planet X/Nibiru/Brown Dwarf St...

Though the video is a bit rough, the information is wonderful. Explains how Comet Elenin is affecting Earth and how an exact alignment with it along with Nibiru, has occurred on the same days as the earthquakes in Chile, Japan and New Zealand and volcanoes is Hawaii and other areas. What's occurring is that Nibiru's powerful magnetic pull is literally pulling at the tectonic plates around the "ring of fire." You could liken it to a strong magnet pulling on a metal plate causing anything on it's surface to move.

Friday, March 25, 2011

First Galactic Counselor Training in Years!

Something is afoot because I'm training my first potential galactic counselor in a while.  Angela is from Los Angeles, CA.  You could say she was "guided" here by some very powerful Beings for this training.  Seem it is her next step.  Being used to having unexpected directional changes I said, "Okay." 

So far it has been great.  The thought occurred to me this morning to blog about this training...each day Angela and I would write about our expereinces...some of which have been well....amazing!

Day 1 - spent the dragging myself around because I had not had any sleep the night before.  Didn't get to sleep until 4am.  This, we later learned was meant to be.  This training would be far different than the previous ones and I needed to download the info.  That required I be "put  to sleep" during to the day.  Doing so means that I will more easily retain it because being the afternoon, I won't go back to which case, some of it could be lost. 

Why they are doing things differently is still is unclear.   The lesson today was about signs.  We marveled at how the Guides brought this lesson about.  I'll let Angela explain it...sooooo amazing.

Angela here -- When I came down for breakfast, I was met by Lucy the Beagle who wanted to talk.  I have recently discovered that animals and I communicate rather freely, though thus far it has mainly been with the furry creatures in my own household.  As I sat with Lucy on the floor, I silently asked her what she liked to do.  I received an image of a squirel and what I thought was a beaver (later to be corrected -- gopher!).  It then came to me to ask her why she doesn't seem to like her new sister, Cleo.  Immediately the reply was that she now has to do things she didn't prior to Cleo's arrival, such as working for her food and having to "wait."

At this point, Jelaila arrived in the kitchen and after confirming Lucy's interest in squirels and gophers, conversation turned to the animals in my household.  Now, let me preface this by saying that I am an only child who was raised in a household with one dog and perhaps an occasional rabbit or goldfish.  I've always liked animals, but never recognized any special connection with them.  Well, now I have five cats and five puppies -- all that have more or less arrived over the past two years.  When the first of these critters began to present themselves in my life, I embraced the idea of having a diversified household...but the numbers began to grow.  Often I'd have just wrapped my head and life around a new four-legged friend, when my Guides began to vigorously direct me to yet another.

I wrestled with old conventions of what it meant in a 3D world to have this many animals and what it could look like to others who don't know me.  The more I let go and accepted that my Guides wouldn't be doing this without a much greater purpose, I was able to relax and embrace the transformation of my home.  I certainly couldn't complain -- the cats (almost all under the age of 1.5 years) are mellow and loving both with me and each other; the dogs (all under the age of one), while needing guidance, are obedient and open...and everyone gets along!

And, while I have been learning life lessons right and left while living with all of these creatures, I, until today, didn't understand the greater picture.  As Jelaila and I spoke this morning, the lightbulb went on in Jelaila's head!  When I arrived at her home yesterday, I had mentioned that I had just been informed that I was part of a collective...and thus there it was, the set-up with all of the signs.  It all fell into place and made my heart soar to final understand!!!  I know this is only the tip of the iceberg, but a wonderful lesson in obedience and trust.

Further note about my discussion with Lucy:  when Jelaila and I parted for a rest a bit later, I was lying on my bed listening to a Tom Kenyon toning track.  Images and messages were passing through my thought, and suddenly there was Lucy wanting to finish our discourse.  I asked her what it would take for her to accept Cleo -- it was to not have to do all the "extra stuff" any longer.  I promised to tell her mom.

A bit later, when reviewing the training manual and Guide agreements, I had a visit from Jelaila's Guide, Devin.  He said it was very important for me to tell Jelaila about my conversation with Lucy.  And so, that's what I did.  I'll let Jelaila finish the lesson....

Monday, March 21, 2011

Waiting for the daffodils--my symbol of hope

Spring is one of my favorite seasons because it symbolizes hope--hope for the future, that the sun will shine and there will be a tomorrow.  Hope for me is symbolized by favorite flower. 

I recall them in my mother's garden as a child.  Each Spring they popped their pretty heads out of the ground, cheerfully turning their bright yellow faces to the sun.  Seeing them out my bedroom window in the morning and after a long day as school, lifted my heart and warmed my soul.  In a time when life seemed so lonely, they were there to remind me that life would and could get better. 

Each spring I eagerly await my little signs of hope, in some ways they seem to me to be a lifeline to happiness and a brighter tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What happened to this blog?

Well--I'm ashamed that I haven't posted to this blog in over a month.  What happened? many things to keep up with..  Social media is great but can be overwelming for me.  Also, it depends on what's going on with it something I want to share with the world.  I find that I'm more likely to share it through my weekly message.  But with all that said, I'll give this blog another shot.  I notice I do feel good when I get a post up.