Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Starseed Challenges

Hi All,

Here's the next installment in the Starseed, Walk-in and Lightwoker series.  It's called: Starseed Challenges
This segment focuses on some of the most common challenges that starseeds face and why. 
Click here for the article
Click here for the video

1 comment:

Solar said...

omg... I always knew and somehow I couldn't put the pieces together. All this time I knew and now everything just jumped to my conscious mind at once with your video. I'm feeling many things at once.
I've been saying for years that I'm living on the past because I know when things are going to happen, as for me it all already happened. Like this is a rerun and I'm here but don't remember all that I have to do. I definitely learned many things... But I know there's something more. I hope you're the one that will tell what it is, otherwise I'll have to figure this out myself.
We really have many advanced technologies and spiritual development but it seems that not everything smells like roses, I can feel it when they come to visit.
But, why are they coming back in the near future? If this is our mission, why will they be here without taking an Earth body? Are we going home with them or not?
Somehow I don't feel like leaving this place before I do what I have to do as I used to feel as a child. This planet became a precious stone inside of me.
Thank you Jelaila for helping us remember.