Monday, February 22, 2010

Stillness - the aftermath of activity

I'm sitting here at my favorite coffee shop on a Friday afternoon.  It was the first sunny day in a while and after being in the house working, I felt I needed to be out and around others.  Funny how that works sometimes...we just need human interaction.  Black Dog, the name of the coffee shop, draws an eclectic blend of customers.  There are college students, young professionals, older professionals and the terminally confused about who they are.  I must say, I find it a great place to people watch; one of my favorite pasttimes.

So, another reason I'm here is that I'm having one of those days when I don't want to do anything cause it feels like everything is still--as though waiting for something to form and take off.  It's been that way since I returned from the Conscious Life Expo.  I had been told that that expo would determine what happens next.  And though I've been through this before, back in 2003 again, right after the Conscious Life Expo, the stillness is still unnerving at times.  It triggers the fear that nothing will transpire even though something always has.  After all these years, I still find it hard to be still and wait.  Patience is something I have had to work at...very diligently!

Seems I'm not alone in the stillness...many others are there with me.  We are waiting, waiting for the next step to materialize.  I can just imagine all the guides busy connecting with each other, having meetings, discussing plans, many that will come to fruition a year or more in the future.  When I think back to all the amazing synchronicities I've experienced, and all the events that transpired, and the wonderful people who just so happened to show up at just the right time, I find it easier to be patient.  Experiences like those are easy to wait for.  I've got to remind myself to think of those when I find my patience wearing thin.

So where are you?  In a period of activity or are you in the stillness with me, waiting for our guides to prepare the next step?


david said...

The stillness was killing me. But today, 2/22/10, I sense a dramatic energy shift. Things are about to really roll. By mid-March, we will wonder what has happened!

Anonymous said...

I'm in a place of stillness too. Ending things that don't serve me and waiting for new things to start.

Chitra said...

On the night of 2/20/10, I had one of those unexplainable 'extra-terrestial' experiences. This was the 5th such experience in past one year; where I was told that I have already failed twice but this time I would succeed. I was adviced not to focus on the failure and wonder about it but to concentrate upon success. I have not been able to figure out this message as yet; but as you say, there have been enough synchronicities in my life to make me have faith in this message. So, I wait until the next step is revealed to me.....

Lawrence Touitou said...

I went to see AVATAR which was AWESOME. Beautiful and what a wonderful message to humanity. I wanted to get lost on the planet and just be with the nabi! I'm chillin'

Ryan Kasten said...

Send some of that stillness my way Jelaila! Between school, work, the wedding, and home life I'm left gasping for air lol. Glad to hear the Expo went so well.

ChristianaVegan said...

I am redoing my post that disappeared for some reason: My stillness in terms of spirituality was filled with a lot of activity as I had to entertain my daughter during vacation.. On 2/22/10 the stillness was suddenly over while I was reading "Please Kill Me" - the history of punk for my BA. I found myself in the middle of a lot of charge and I realized that the clearing we have to do now is about the topic of self-destruction and drug abuse.
Later on (today)I realized that it is about scalar waves and the people caught up in hyperspace and also about setting boundaries/security in cyberspace. Let's do the clearing work! The potential was never before so high to get it right!!

Ethan said...

Every time my guides tell me things will happen soon or this or that within a certain time period I always start to wonder but it always happens around the time. Its good when you have built up the trust and trust the universes to provide what you need when you need it.

ChristianaVegan said...

It is great to have good guides to rely upon. For me they are not "everything". Once I had a guide, this was several years age, that led me into a direction I did not like at all, although I was suspicious, I followed his advice. The end of the story was that we separated. I refused to have him any longer as my guide and I got a new one. Things went much better then.